Sunday, September 28, 2008

JERRY MANUEL blew the Mets' season (though, he wasn't alone)

That's right, folks...Jerry's the ultimate culprit. I'm sure, reading that, that some of you are steaming right now -- but hear me out. Over the course of the past few weeks, if you want to blame the bullpen or David Wright/Jose Reyes, that's fine; I understand. But when it got to 2-2 top of the eighth inning today, the game was in Jerry Manuel's hands.

If the game was a precious little kitten, Jerry would have let it die. He failed to take care of that thing. Season on the line, and he turns to...


HELLO! JERRY! Wake the **** up! Seriously, stop looking at Schoeneweis' ERA and going, "Hmm, that looks pretty good, maybe I should trust him more than anyone else."

Jerry Manuel sucks. Scott Schoeneweis is an absolute joke. We're talking about a "major league" pitcher with an 87-89 mph, flat fastball that he throws every single pitch. He just had Brian Stokes in the game -- the Mets' best reliever (though, I guess that's not saying much) -- who throws 95-97 with a fairly sharp slider.

You don't think the Marlins' hitters were salivating when they saw the switch from Stokes to Schoeneweis? Sure, I know what Jerry was thinking: Mike Jacobs was due up so he wanted to bring in the lefty to face the lefty...but Jerry, have you ever heard of a pinch hitter? It's this thing where the manager replaces his hitter for strategic reasons and brings in a batter who more appropriately fits the situation.

His name was Wes Helms, one of the most experienced and trustworthy bench players in baseball. Helms has absolutely killed lefties throughout his career. OK, let's give Jerry the benefit of the doubt and assume that he expected Fredi Gonzalez to make that substitution. That means Jerry preferred the Schoeneweis/Helms match-up to the Stokes/Jacobs match-up...

WHY??? I don't want Schoeneweis in there against anyone! Not even the opposing pitcher! I guess Jacobs is the more dangerous hitter at this stage of he and Helms' careers, but Helms can still crush lefties...especially despicably awful lefties like Schoeneweis.

The fact that Manuel would turn to Schoeneweis with the season hanging in the balance tells me that Jerry knows very little about baseball. It's a sad thing to realize: that you are a more intelligent baseball mind than your favorite team's manager.

I was at Shea today, and as soon as I looked up and saw that Schoeneweis was in the game, I told everyone I was with that our season was over. I meant it. Completely.

The funny thing is, I'm 100% positive that I was far from the only Mets fan thinking that. Don't we all know that Schoeneweis is a piece of garbage???

Jerry doesn't. I'm going to throw up when he gets his contract extension. The hits just keep on comin'...

OK let's get away from the most clueless manager in the game now. Moving on to...

RYAN CHURCH. Is this guy kidding me?? I've never seen a "professional hitter" strike out on three consecutive pitches so often in my entire life. He doesn't even put together quality at bats; it's a combination of a lack of adjustments and a heart as big as an olive. Ryan Church is a gutless loser disguised as a ballplayer. An absolute disgrace to clutch hitters everywhere. I wouldn't mind if he was bagging groceries at Stop and Shop next year. Get him out of my face.

David Wright and Jose Reyes failed to be superstars. It's that simple. People around the league rave about these two constantly, but they consistently failed when the Mets and their fans needed them most. Reyes folded up the tent for the second straight year, and showed that he has no courage and is a very limited hitter. He feasts on poor pitching...that's about it.

Wright, our "golden boy" (in the realm of the Chase Utley's and Grady Sizemore's of the world) is just not a big-money player. He's a guy who piles up stats but when you need him most, he tucks his tail under his legs and whimpers in the corner of the room. He's a full-blown choke artist who I wouldn't mind trading in a second. New York doesn't need a second Alex Rodriguez, and it certainly appears as if we already have one. You suck, David Wright. You are a total embarrassment to yourself and us as fans.

I'd like to take this opportunity to send my love to Johan Santana and Carlos Beltran, the only true superstars on our team. Two players who perform throughout the year, but continue their excellence when the bright lights are shining. Love you guys, keep it up next year.

Kudos also to Endy Chavez, who got buried by Jerry "The Joke" Manuel for no good reason, and yet continued to do his job and do it well. Another spectacular catch for Endy at the ballpark today.

In the end, we can point fingers everywhere. The injuries to Billy Wagner, John Maine, Moises Alou, Fernando Tatis, and Damion Easley (collectively) were devastating. But no excuses. This team just crumbles in the clutch.

Good riddance. Let's go Jets.